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Don Heck

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Série et histoire  Date  Scénariste(s) / Dessinateur(s) / Encreur(s)
Our Army at War #36 Clay Pigeon Paratroop07/1955Bill Finger / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales of the Unusual #1 The Experiment That Failed12/1955 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Astonishing #50 Buried Forever06/1956 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #37 The Deep Freeze08/1956Carl Wessler / Don Heck / Don Heck
Yellow Claw #2 Cold Danger <text story>12/1956 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Yellow Claw #3 The Spy <text story>02/1957 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Worlds #1 I Am the Last Man on Earth12/1958 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #50 Adrift in Space!01/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #1 I Dared Explore the Unknown Emptiness!01/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #67 I Seek the Sea Serpent02/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Worlds #2 I Was a Prisoner on the Planet of Plunder!02/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #2 When Aliens Meet!03/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #3 The Haunted House05/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #69 Rocket Ship X-20006/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #53 He Made the Machines Go Mad!07/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #4 My Forbidden Paintings!07/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Worlds #5 We Are the 3 Who Vanished!08/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #5 I Can See Tomorrow!09/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #71 I Am the Man Who Will... Destroy Your World!10/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #55 I Saw the Serpent that Saved the World!11/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #6 I Was Captured by the Cyclops!11/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #72 I Was Trapped on the Ghost Ship12/1959 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #56 I Brought Zog Back to Life!01/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #7 I Know the Power of... the Genie!01/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #7 He Waits For Us in the Glacier!01/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #73 I Was Captured by the Mole Men!02/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #57 Orogo! The Nightmare from Outer Space!!03/1960 / Don Heck, Jack Kirby / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #8 It Walks by Night!03/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #8 Mummex... King of the Mummies!03/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #74 Beware the Hands of Hundu04/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #58 I Found Rro... the Thing from the Bottomless Pit!05/1960 / Jack Kirby, Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #9 The Return of the Living Robot!05/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #9 I Saw Droom the Living Lizard!05/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #75 I Made the Hulk Live!06/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #59 I Am the Beast-Man!07/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #10 I Am the Shaggy Creature07/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #10 Only I Know When the World Will End!07/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #76 Beware!! The Ghosts Surround Me!!08/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #60 We Were Trapped With the Silent Monster!09/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #11 I Escaped To Another World!09/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #11 I Was Face-to-Face with the Forbidden Robot!09/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #61 I Dared Enter the Haunted Forest!10/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #77 I Am the Beast-Man!10/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #12 My Nightmare Has No End!10/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #62 There Is a Brain Behind the Fangs!11/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
My Greatest Adventure (1°) #49 I Was an Ally of a Criminal Creature11/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #78 The Fantastic Menace of Mento the Mighty!11/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #12 I Met the Thing on Midnight Island!11/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #13 I Found the Hidden World!11/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #63 I Was Trapped by the Mole Men!12/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #79 The Thing on the Moon12/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #14 The Thing in Human Form!12/1960 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #64 I Found the Lair of... the Lizard Men01/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #80 The Thing From Dimension X01/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #13 The Demon in the Dungeon!01/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #15 I Dared Enter the Forbidden World!01/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #65 Kragoo!02/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #81 A Giant There Was!02/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #16 My Touch Means... Doom!02/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #82 Fangs of the Monster03/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #15 Moomboo!03/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #17 I Dared to Enter the Haunted Room!03/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #67 The Black Clock!04/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #83 The Menace of Shandu!04/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #16 Nightmare!04/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #68 The Man from Mars!05/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #17 There Is Something Strange about Mr. Jones!05/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #19 The Thing with the Red Eyes05/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #18 The Mysterious Mr. P!06/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #19 The Coming of Maaboo!07/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #87 The Macabre Mirror!08/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #88 Punishment!09/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Amazing Adventures (1°) #5 The watchers10/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #73 Menace from Mars!10/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #22 Only One is Human!10/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #24 Something Missing!!10/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #74 Forever Is a Long Long Time!11/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #90 The Inhuman!11/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #25 The Gypsy's Revenge!11/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #91 The Mask of Morgumm12/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #24 Something Lurks in the Fog!12/1961 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #76 Mind Over Matter!01/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #92 Somewhere Sits a Lama01/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #27 Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall...01/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #77 When Aliens Walk the Earth!02/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #26 Never Trust a Martian02/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #79 The Man Who Played Dead!04/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #95 The Cave of Shaggdorr!04/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #30 What Was the Staggering Secret of the 13th Floor?04/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #80 I Spent the Night in a Haunted House!05/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #96 Beware the Future Man!05/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #29 The Thing in the Locked Room!05/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #30 The Man Who Couldn't Grow Old!06/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #32 The Girl in the Black Hood!06/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #82 The Next Galaxy07/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #98 The TV Fan!07/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #31 The Crackpot07/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #33 The Voice of Fate!07/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #83 The Perfect Crime08/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #99 The Man In the Glass Cage08/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #32 The One Who Isn't Human08/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #34 Dance, You Fool08/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #84 The Witching Hour!09/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #100 Beware the Uboongi!09/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #33 The Secret of the Mirage09/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #35 The Thing from Outer Space!09/1962Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #85 Filbert's Frightful Future!10/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #101 The Impossible Spaceship10/1962Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #34 The Coming of the Giants!10/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #86 Humans, Keep Out!11/1962Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #35 I Must Enter the Tomb of Tut-Am-Tut!11/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #37 Afraid to Dream!11/1962 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #103 The Little People12/1962Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #36 Meet Mr. Meek! The Most Dangerous Man in the World!12/1962Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #38 I Found the Impossible World!12/1962Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #88 Long Live the Queen!01/1963 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #39 Ozamm the Terrible!01/1963Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #105 Man Alone02/1963Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #38 We Can't All Be Human!02/1963Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #40 I Was Trapped in the Mad Universe!02/1963Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #39 Iron Man - Iron Man Is Born!03/1963Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #41 Ant-Man - Prisoner of the Slave World!03/1963Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #40 Iron Man - Iron Man Versus Gargantus!04/1963Stan Lee, Robert Bernstein / Jack Kirby / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #42 Ant-Man - The Voice of Doom!04/1963Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #43 Ant-Man - The Mad Master of Time!05/1963Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #42 Iron Man - Trapped by the Red Barbarian!06/1963Stan Lee, Robert Bernstein / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #44 Ant-Man and the Wasp - The Creature From Kosmos!06/1963Stan Lee, Ernie Hart / Jack Kirby / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #43 Iron Man - Kala, Queen of the Netherworld!07/1963Stan Lee, Robert Bernstein / Jack Kirby / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #45 Ant-Man and the Wasp - The Terrible Traps of Egghead!07/1963Stan Lee, Ernie Hart / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #44 Iron Man - The Mad Pharaoh!08/1963Stan Lee, Robert Bernstein / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #46 Ant-Man and the Wasp - When Cyclops Walks the Earth08/1963Stan Lee, Ernie Hart / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #45 Iron Man - The Icy Fingers of Jack Frost!09/1963Stan Lee, Robert Bernstein / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #47 Ant-Man and the Wasp - Music To Scream By09/1963Stan Lee, Ernie Hart / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #97 Thor - The Lava Man10/1963Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #46 Iron Man - Iron Man Faces the Crimson Dynamo!10/1963Stan Lee, Robert Bernstein / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #48 Ant-Man and the Wasp - Ant-Man and the Wasp Defy the Porcupine!10/1963Stan Lee, Ernie Hart / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #98 Tales of Asgard - Odin Battles Ymir, King of the Ice Giants11/1963Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #98 Thor - Challenged by the Human Cobra!11/1963Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #47 Iron Man - Iron Man Battles the Melter!11/1963Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #49 Giant-Man and the Wasp - The Birth of Giant-Man!11/1963Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #99 Thor - The Mysterious Mister Hyde!12/1963Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #100 Thor - The Master Plan of Mr. Hyde!01/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #50 Iron Man - The Hands Of The Mandarin!02/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #51 Iron Man - The Sinister Scarecrow!03/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #53 Tales of the Wasp - When Wakes the Colossus!03/1964Stan Lee, Larry Lieber / Larry Lieber / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #52 Iron Man - The Crimson Dynamo Strikes Again!04/1964Stan Lee, Don Rico / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales to Astonish (1°) #54 Giant-Man and Wasp - No Place to Hide!04/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Journey into Mystery (1°) #104 Tales of Asgard - Origin of Heimdall Part 1 : Heimdall, Guardian of the Mystic Rainbow Bridge!05/1964Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #53 Iron Man - The Black Widow Strikes Again!05/1964Stan Lee, Don Rico / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #54 Iron Man - the Mandarin's Revenge!06/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #55 Iron Man - No One Escapes the Mandarin!07/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #55 Pepper Potts' Pin-up Page07/1964NA / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #55 All About Iron Man / More Info About Iron Man!07/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #56 Iron Man - The Uncanny Unicorn!08/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #57 Iron Man - Hawkeye, the Marksman!09/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #9 The coming of the ... Wonder Man!10/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Tales of Suspense #58 Iron Man - In Mortal Combat With Captain America!10/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck, Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers
Avengers (1°) #10 The Avengers break up!11/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Tales of Suspense #59 Iron Man - The Black Knight!11/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Chic Stone
Avengers (1°) #11 The mighty Avengers meet Spider-Man12/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Chic Stone
Tales of Suspense #60 Iron Man - Suspected of Murder!12/1964Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Avengers (1°) #12 This hostage Earth01/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Tales of Suspense #61 Iron Man - The Death of Tony Stark!01/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Avengers (1°) #13 The castle of Count Nefaria02/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Tales of Suspense #62 Iron Man - The Origin of the Mandarin!02/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Avengers (1°) #14 Even Avengers Can Die03/1965Stan Lee, Larry Ivie, Larry Lieber / Jack Kirby, Don Heck / Chic Stone
Tales of Suspense #63 Iron Man - Somewhere Lurks the Phantom!03/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Tales to Astonish (1°) #65 Giant-Man and the Wasp - The New Giant-Man03/1965Stan Lee / Bob Powell / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #15 Now, By My Hand Shall Die A Villain04/1965Stan Lee / Jack Kirby, Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Tales of Suspense #64 Iron Man - Hawkeye and the New Black Widow Strike Again!04/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Chic Stone
Man from U.N.C.L.E. #1 The Explosive Affair05/1965 / Don Heck /
Tales of Suspense #65 Iron Man - When Titans Clash!05/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Avengers (1°) #17 Four against the Minotaur06/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Tales of Suspense #66 Iron Man - If I Fail, a World Is Lost!06/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Avengers (1°) #18 When the commissar commands07/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Tales of Suspense #67 Iron Man - Where Walk the Villains!07/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Avengers (1°) #19 The Coming Of... The Swordsman!08/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Tales of Suspense #68 Iron Man - If a Man Be Mad!08/1965Al Hartley / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Avengers (1°) #20 Vengeance is ours09/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Wally Wood
Tales of Suspense #69 Iron Man - If I Die, Let It Be With Honor!09/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Avengers (1°) #21 The bitter taste of defeat10/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Wally Wood
Man from U.N.C.L.E. #2 The Fortune Cookie Affair10/1965 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Tales of Suspense #70 Iron Man - Fight On! For A World Is Watching!10/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Voyage to the bottom of the sea #3 The Jonah Cruise of the Seaview10/1965 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #22 The road back11/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Wally Wood
Tales of Suspense #71 Iron Man - What Price Victory ?11/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Wally Wood
Avengers (1°) #23 Once an Avenger12/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / John Romita Sr.
Tales of Suspense #72 Iron Man - Hoorah for the Conquering Hero!12/1965Stan Lee / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #3 (A) ...To Become an Avenger!1966Stan Lee / John Romita Sr., Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Avengers (1°) #24 From the ashes of defeat01/1966Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Man from U.N.C.L.E. #4 The Rip Van Solo Affair01/1966 / Don Heck /
Strange Tales (1°) #140 Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD - The End of Hydra01/1966Stan Lee, Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby, Don Heck / Joe Sinnott
Avengers (1°) #25 Enter... Dr. Doom!02/1966Stan Lee / Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Avengers (1°) #26 The Voice of the Wasp!03/1966Stan Lee / Don Heck / Frank Giacoia
Man from U.N.C.L.E. #5 The Little U.N.C.L.E.s Affair03/1966 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #27 Four Against the Floodtide!04/1966Stan Lee / Don Heck / Frank Giacoia
Avengers (1°) #28 Among Us Walks... a Goliath!05/1966Stan Lee / Don Heck / Frank Giacoia
Avengers (1°) #29 This Power Unleashed!06/1966Stan Lee / Don Heck / Frank Giacoia
Strange Tales (1°) #145 Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD - Lo! The Eggs Shall Hatch!06/1966Stan Lee, Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby, Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Avengers (1°) #30 Frenzy in a Far-Off Land!07/1966Stan Lee / Don Heck / Frank Giacoia
Strange Tales (1°) #146 Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD - When the Unliving Strike!07/1966Stan Lee, Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby, Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Avengers (1°) #31 Never Bug a Giant!08/1966Stan Lee / Don Heck / Frank Giacoia
Strange Tales (1°) #147 Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD - The Enemy Within!08/1966Stan Lee, Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby, Don Heck / Dick Ayers
Tales of Suspense #80 Captain America - He Who Holds the Cosmic Cube08/1966Stan Lee, Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #32 The Sign of the Serpent!09/1966Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Strange Tales (1°) #148 Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD - Death Before Dishonor!09/1966Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #33 To Smash a Serpent10/1966Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #34 The Living Laser!11/1966Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #35 The Light That Failed!12/1966Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #36 The Ultroids Attack!01/1967Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #37 To Conquer a Colossus!02/1967Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #38 In Our Midst... an Immortal!03/1967Roy Thomas / Don Heck / George Roussos (as George Bell)
Avengers (1°) #39 The Torment... and the Triumph!04/1967Roy Thomas / Don Heck / George Roussos (as George Bell)
Avengers (1°) #40 Suddenly... the Sub-Mariner!05/1967Roy Thomas / Don Heck / George Roussos (as George Bell)
Avengers (1°) #1 (S) The Monstrous Master Plan of the Mandarin! / Part 2 : To perish by the sword / Part 3 : Struggle in a strange land / Part 4 : And a monster shall stalk the land / Part 5 : Showdown in space09/1967Roy Thomas / Don Heck / George Roussos (as George Bell)
Not Brand Echh #2 Ironed Man - Magnut, Robot Biter09/1967Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Dan Adkins
Avengers (1°) #45 Blitzkrieg in Central Park!10/1967Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #37 We, the Jury...10/1967Roy Thomas / Ross Andru / Don Heck
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #38 The Sinister Shadow of... Doomsday!11/1967Roy Thomas / Don Heck / George Roussos (as George Bell)
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #39 The Fateful Finale!12/1967Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #40 The Mark of the Monster!01/1968Roy Thomas / Don Heck / George Tuska
Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #57 The Coming of Ka-Zar!02/1968Stan Lee, John Romita Sr. / John Romita Sr., Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #41 Now Strikes... the Sub-Human!02/1968Roy Thomas / Don Heck / George Tuska
Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #58 To Kill a Spider-Man!03/1968Stan Lee, John Romita Sr. / John Romita Sr., Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #42 If I Should Die...!03/1968Roy Thomas / Don Heck / George Tuska
Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #59 The Brand of the Brainwasher!04/1968Stan Lee, John Romita Sr. / John Romita Sr., Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #60 O, Bitter Victory!05/1968Stan Lee, John Romita Sr. / John Romita Sr., Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #44 Red Raven, Red Raven...!05/1968Roy Thomas, Gary Friedrich / Don Heck, Werner Roth / John Tartaglione
Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #61 What a Tangled Web We Weave!06/1968Stan Lee, John Romita Sr. / John Romita Sr., Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #45 When Mutants Clash!06/1968Gary Friedrich / Don Heck, Werner Roth / John Tartaglione
Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #62 Make Way For... Medusa!07/1968Stan Lee, John Romita Sr. / John Romita Sr., Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #46 The End of the X-Men07/1968Gary Friedrich / Don Heck, Werner Roth / John Tartaglione
Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #63 Wings in the Night!08/1968Stan Lee, John Romita Sr. / John Romita Sr., Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #47 The Warlock Wears Three Faces!08/1968Gary Friedrich / Don Heck, Werner Roth / John Tartaglione
Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #64 The Vulture's Prey09/1968Stan Lee, John Romita Sr. / John Romita Sr., Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Avengers (1°) #2 (S) ...And Time, The Rushing River...09/1968Roy Thomas / Don Heck, Werner Roth / Vince Colletta
Captain Marvel (1°) #5 The Mark Of The Metazoid09/1968Arnold Drake / Don Heck / John Tartaglione
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #48 Beware Computo, Commander of the Robot Hive!09/1968Arnold Drake / Don Heck, Werner Roth / John Verpoorten
Captain Marvel (1°) #6 In the path of Solam!10/1968Arnold Drake / Don Heck / John Tartaglione
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #49 Who Dares Defy... the Demi-Men ?10/1968Arnold Drake / Don Heck, Werner Roth / John Tartaglione
Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #66 The Madness of Mysterio!11/1968Stan Lee, John Romita Sr. / John Romita Sr., Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Captain Marvel (1°) #7 Die, Town, Die!11/1968Arnold Drake / Don Heck / John Tartaglione
Captain Marvel (1°) #8 And fear shall follow!12/1968Arnold Drake / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Captain Marvel (1°) #9 Between hammer and anvil!01/1969Arnold Drake / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #52 The Twilight of the Mutants!01/1969Arnold Drake / Don Heck, Werner Roth / John Tartaglione
Captain Marvel (1°) #10 Die, Traitor!02/1969Arnold Drake / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #54 Wanted: Dead or Alive -- Cyclops03/1969Arnold Drake / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Captain Savage #13 The Junk-Heap Juggernauts04/1969Arnold Drake / Don Heck / Syd Shores
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #55 The Living Pharaoh04/1969Roy Thomas / Don Heck, Werner Roth / Vince Colletta
Captain Savage #14 Savage's First Mission05/1969Arnold Drake / Don Heck / Syd Shores
Captain Savage #15 Within the Temple Waits Death07/1969Arnold Drake / Don Heck / Syd Shores
Captain Marvel (1°) #16 Behind The Mask Of Zo!09/1969Archie Goodwin / Don Heck / Syd Shores
Captain Savage #16 War Is Hell--On Ice09/1969Arnold Drake / Don Heck / John Severin
Tower of Shadows #1 A Time To Die09/1969Stan Lee / John Buscema / Don Heck
Chamber of Darkness #1 Always leave 'em laughing10/1969Gary Friedrich / Don Heck / Frank Giacoia
Tower of Shadows #2 Witch Hunt11/1969Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Dan Adkins
Chamber of Darkness #2 The day of the red death12/1969Roy Thomas / Don Heck /
Uncanny X-Men (1°) #64 The Coming of Sunfire01/1970Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Tom Palmer
Tower of Shadows #4 Evil is a Baaaaad Scene!!03/1970Allyn Brodsky / Don Heck / Don Heck
House of Secrets (1°) #85 People Who Live in Glass Houses...04/1970Len Wein / Don Heck / Don Heck
Flash (1°) #198 Call It...Magic!06/1970Mike Friedrich / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Iron Man (1°) #26 Duel In A Dark Dimension!06/1970Archie Goodwin / Don Heck / Johnny Craig
Iron Man (1°) #27 The fury of the Firebrand07/1970Archie Goodwin / Don Heck / Johnny Craig
Iron Man (1°) #28 The controller lives08/1970Archie Goodwin / Don Heck / Johnny Craig
Iron Man (1°) #29 Save The People... Save The Country!09/1970Mimi Gold / Don Heck / Chic Stone
Iron Man (1°) #30 The menace of the Monster-Master10/1970Allyn Brodsky / Don Heck / Chic Stone
Iron Man (1°) #31 Anything for the cause11/1970Allyn Brodsky / Don Heck / Chic Stone
House of Secrets (1°) #89 A Taste of Dark Fire!12/1970Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Don Heck
Nightmare (Skywald) #1 The pollution monsters12/1970Mike Friedrich / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Iron Man (1°) #33 Their mission : destroy Stark Industries01/1971Allyn Brodsky / Don Heck / Mike Esposito (as Joe Gaudioso)
Detective Comics (1°) #408 Batgirl - Batgirl vs. the Phantom Bullfighter!02/1971Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Dick Giordano
Iron Man (1°) #34 Crisis and calamity02/1971Allyn Brodsky / Don Heck / Mike Esposito (as Joe Gaudioso)
Detective Comics (1°) #409 Batgirl - Night of the Sharp Horns!03/1971Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Dick Giordano
Iron Man (1°) #35 Revenge03/1971Allyn Brodsky, Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Detective Comics (1°) #410 Batgirl - Battle of the Three M's04/1971Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Dick Giordano
Iron Man (1°) #36 Among men stalks the Ramrod04/1971Allyn Brodsky, Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Amazing Adventures (2°) #6 Black Widow - Blood will tell05/1971Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Sal Buscema
Detective Comics (1°) #411 Batgirl - Cut... and Run!05/1971Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Dick Giordano
House of Mystery (1°) #192 Nobody Loves a Lizard!05/1971Virgil North / Don Heck / Don Heck
Iron Man (1°) #37 In this hour of earthdoom05/1971Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Jim Mooney
Detective Comics (1°) #412 Batgirl - The Head-Splitters06/1971Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Amazing Adventures (2°) #7 Black Widow - The sting of the widow07/1971Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Bill Everett
Detective Comics (1°) #413 Batgirl - Squeeze-Play07/1971Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #414 Batgirl - Invitation To Murder08/1971Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Amazing Adventures (2°) #8 Black Widow - How shall I kill thee? Let me count the ways09/1971Gerry Conway, Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Bill Everett
Detective Comics (1°) #415 Batgirl - Death Shares the Spotlight09/1971Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #416 Batgirl - The Deadly Go-Between10/1971Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Sinister House of Secret Love #1 The Curse of the MacIntyres10/1971Mary Skrenes / Don Heck / Don Heck
Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #2 The Mystery of Dead Man's Cove!11/1971Mary Skrenes / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #417 Batgirl - A Bullet For Gordon11/1971Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #418 Batgirl - The Kingpin Is Dead12/1971Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
House of Secrets (1°) #95 Creature...12/1971John Albano / Don Heck / Don Heck
Marvel Feature (1°) #1 Dr. Strange - The Return!12/1971Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Frank Giacoia
Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #3 Kiss of Death01/1972Jack Oleck / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #419 Batgirl - Long Live the Kingpin01/1972Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #420 Batgirl - Target For Manana02/1972Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #421 Batgirl - Up Against Three Walls03/1972Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #199 Tribunal of Fear03/1972Dennis O'Neil (as Denny O'Neil) / Don Heck / Dick Giordano
Detective Comics (1°) #422 Batgirl - The Unmasking of Batgirl04/1972Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #423 Batgirl - Candidate For Danger05/1972Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Forbidden Tales of Dark Mansion #5 They All Came To Die!05/1972Jack Oleck / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #424 Batgirl - Batgirl's Last Case06/1972Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #123 Rose and the Thorn - The Richest Girl in the World!06/1972 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #124 Rose and the Thorn - Murder by Motor06/1972Cary Bates / Don Heck / Henry Scarpelli
Detective Comics (1°) #425 Jason Bard - Open-and-Shut Case!07/1972Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #125 Rose and the Thorn - Cure... or Kill!08/1972Cary Bates / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #427 Jason Bard - I Wake Up Dying!09/1972Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Don Heck
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #126 Rose and the Thorn - Bullets and Ballots!09/1972Robert Kanigher / Don Heck / Don Heck
Adventure Comics (1°) #424 The Invasion10/1972 / Don Heck / Don Heck
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #127 Rose and the Thorn - The Sea Devil!10/1972Cary Bates / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #429 Jason Bard - Case of the Loaded Case!11/1972Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #128 Rose and the Thorn - Edge of Madness12/1972Robert Kanigher / Don Heck / Don Heck
Detective Comics (1°) #431 Jason Bard - Crime On My Hands01/1973Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Murphy Anderson
Supergirl (1°) #2 Zatanna - The Magic Piper01/1973Len Wein, Marv Wolfman / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #204 The Second Life of the Original Wonder Woman01/1973Robert Kanigher / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Avengers (1°) #108 Check... and Mate!02/1973Steve Englehart / Don Heck / Dave Cockrum, Joe Sinnott
Supergirl (1°) #3 Zatanna - Curse of the Phantom Heckler!02/1973Cary Bates / Don Heck / Don Heck
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #129 Rose and the Thorn - The Million Dollar Night!02/1973 / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Avengers (1°) #109 The Measure of a Man!03/1973Steve Englehart / Don Heck / Frank McLaughlin
Chamber of Chills #3 All the Shapes of fear03/1973George Alec Effinger (as George Effinger) / Don Heck / Bill Everett
Detective Comics (1°) #433 Jason Bard - The Case of the Forged Face03/1973Frank Robbins / Don Heck / Murphy Anderson
Supergirl (1°) #4 Zatanna - The Rock of Revenge03/1973Cary Bates / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #205 Target Wonder Woman!03/1973Robert Kanigher / Don Heck / Bob Oksner
Avengers (1°) #110 ...And Now Magneto!04/1973Steve Englehart / Don Heck / Frank Giacoia, Mike Esposito
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #130 Rose and the Thorn - Nightmare Alley!04/1973Robert Kanigher / Don Heck / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #111 With Two Beside Them!05/1973Steve Englehart / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Avengers (1°) #112 The Lion God Lives!06/1973Steve Englehart / Don Heck / Frank Bolle
Wonder Woman (1°) #206 War of the Wonder Women!06/1973Cary Bates / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Sub-Mariner (1°) #64 Voyage Into Chaos08/1973Steve Gerber / Don Heck / Don Perlin
Daredevil (1°) #103 Then Came Ramrod!09/1973Steve Gerber / Don Heck / Sal Trapani
Sub-Mariner (1°) #65 The Cry of the She-Beast09/1973Steve Gerber / Don Heck / Don Perlin
Daredevil (1°) #104 Prey Of The Hunter!10/1973Steve Gerber / Don Heck / Sal Trapani
Sub-Mariner (1°) #66 Rise, Thou Killer Whale10/1973Steve Gerber / Don Heck / Don Perlin
Daredevil (1°) #105 Menace From The Moons Of Saturn11/1973Steve Gerber / Don Heck, Jim Starlin / Don Perlin
Sub-Mariner (1°) #67 Seawinds of Change11/1973Steve Gerber / Don Heck / Frank Bolle
Daredevil (1°) #106 Life Be Not Proud!12/1973Steve Gerber / Don Heck / Sal Trapani
Avengers (1°) #119 Night of the Collector01/1974Steve Englehart / Bob Brown / Don Heck
Sub-Mariner (1°) #68 On the Brink of Madness01/1974Steve Gerber / Don Heck / Jim Mooney
Avengers (1°) #120 Death-Stars of the Zodiac02/1974Steve Englehart / Bob Brown / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #121 Houses Divided Cannot Stand03/1974Steve Englehart / John Buscema / Don Heck
Ka-Zar (2°) #2 The Fall of the Red Wizard03/1974Mike Friedrich / Don Heck / Jack Abel
Avengers (1°) #123 Vengeance in Viet Nam05/1974Steve Englehart / Bob Brown / Don Heck
Daredevil (1°) #109 Dying For Dollars!05/1974Steve Gerber / Bob Brown / Don Heck
Ka-Zar (2°) #3 Night of the Man-God05/1974Mike Friedrich / Don Heck / Mike Royer
Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #1 (GS) Ship of Fiends!07/1974Len Wein / Ross Andru / Don Heck
Ka-Zar (2°) #4 Into The Shadows Of Chaos07/1974Mike Friedrich / Don Heck / Mike Royer
Ka-Zar (2°) #5 A Man-God Unleashed09/1974Mike Friedrich / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Tomb of Dracula (1°) #2 (GS) Call Them Triad... Call Them Death!09/1974Chris Claremont / Don Heck / Frank McLaughlin
Spidey Super Stories #2 The Long Arms of the Law-Breaker11/1974Jean Thomas / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Tomb of Dracula (1°) #3 (GS) Slow Death On The Killing Ground!12/1974Chris Claremont / Don Heck / Frank Springer
Daredevil (1°) #118 Circus Spelled Sideways Is Death!02/1975Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Daredevil (1°) #119 They're Tearing Down Fogwell's Gym!03/1975Tony Isabella / Bob Brown / Don Heck
Tomb of Dracula (1°) #4 (GS) Let It Bleed!03/1975David Anthony Kraft (as David A. Kraft) / Don Heck / Frank Springer
Defenders (1°) #4 (GS) Too Cold A Night for Dying!04/1975Steve Gerber, Don McGregor, Roger Slifer / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Avengers (1°) #4 (GS) ...Let All Men Bring Together05/1975Steve Englehart / Don Heck / John Tartaglione
Defenders (1°) #5 (GS) Eelar Moves in Mysterious Ways!07/1975Steve Gerber, Gerry Conway, Roger Slifer, Len Wein, Chris Claremont, Scott Edelman / Don Heck / Mike Esposito, David Hunt
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction #4 Epilogue07/1975Tony Isabella / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction #4 Prologue : An Official Inquiry07/1975Tony Isabella / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Adventure into Fear #29 Morbius - Through a Helleyes Darkly!08/1975Bill Mantlo / Don Heck / Bob McLeod
Champions #1 The World Still Needs... The Champions!10/1975Tony Isabella / Don Heck / Mike Esposito
Ka-Zar (2°) #11 The Devil-God of Sylitha!10/1975Doug Moench / Don Heck / Frank Springer
Ghost Rider (2°) #15 Vengeance On The Ventura Freeway!12/1975Tony Isabella, Michele Brand / Bob Brown / Don Heck
Champions #2 Whom The Gods Would Join...01/1976Tony Isabella / Don Heck / John Tartaglione
Avengers (1°) #145 The Taking of the Avengers!03/1976Tony Isabella / Don Heck / John Tartaglione
Avengers (1°) #146 The Assassin Never Fails!04/1976Tony Isabella / Keith Pollard, Don Heck / John Tartaglione
Champions #5 The Economy Is So Bad That...04/1976Tony Isabella / Don Heck / John Tartaglione
Marvel Premiere #29 Liberty Legion - The Red Skull Strikes Part 2 : Lo, the Liberty Legion04/1976Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Marvel Premiere #30 Liberty Legion - The Red Skull Strikes Part 4 : Hey, Ma! They're Blitzin' the Bronx06/1976Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Black Goliath #4 Enter Stilt Man, Exit Black Goliath08/1976Chris Claremont / Rich Buckler, Don Heck / Don Heck
Marvel Two-In-One #19 The Thing and Tigra - Claws Of The Cougar!09/1976Bill Mantlo, Tony Isabella / Sal Buscema / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #156 The Private War of Doctor Doom!02/1977Jim Shooter, Gerry Conway / Sal Buscema, Don Heck / Pablo Marcos, Pablo Marcos
Ghost Rider (2°) #22 Nobody Beats The Enforcer!02/1977Gerry Conway, Don Glut / Don Heck / Keith Pollard
Avengers (1°) #157 A Ghost of Stone!03/1977Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Pablo Marcos
Ghost Rider (2°) #23 Wrath Of The Water Wizard!04/1977Gerry Conway, Jim Shooter / Don Heck / Don Newton
Ghost Rider (2°) #24 I, The Enforcer...!06/1977Jim Shooter / Don Heck / Dan Green
Wonder Woman (1°) #233 Seadeath!07/1977Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Ghost Rider (2°) #25 Menace Is A Man Called Malice!08/1977Jim Shooter / Don Heck / Tony DeZuniga
Wonder Woman (1°) #234 And Death My Destiny!08/1977Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
World's Finest (1°) #246 Wonder Woman - The Baron's Name is Blitzkrieg08/1977Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Batman Family (1°) #14 Batgirl and Robin - Old Super-Heroines Never Die... They Just Fade Away!10/1977Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Bob Wiacek
Teen Titans (1°) #50 The Coast-to-Coast Calamities10/1977Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Teen Titans (1°) #51 Titans East ! Titans West ! And Never (?) the Teens Shall Meet!11/1977Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Teen Titans (1°) #52 When Titans Clash12/1977Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Bob Smith
Superman Family #187 Supergirl - Birthright of Power01/1978Jack C. Harris / Don Heck / Bob Smith
Batman Family (1°) #16 Batgirl and Robin - Fury of the Five-In-One Foe!02/1978Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / John Celardo
Steel (1°) #1 From Hell Is Forged... a Hero!03/1978Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Batman Family (1°) #17 Batgirl, Batwoman and Huntress - Horoscopes of Crime!04/1978Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Bob Wiacek, Vince Colletta
Steel (1°) #2 The Monster Who Mined Miracles04/1978Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Steel (1°) #3 When Hammer Meets Steel06/1978Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Steel (1°) #4 Greed-Games of the Gadgeteer!08/1978Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Cancelled Comic Cavalcade #2 <cover unpublished Steel (1°) #6>4e trim. 1978NA / Don Heck / Al Milgrom
Cancelled Comic Cavalcade #2 Steel - Super-Soldier <unpublished Steel (1°) #6>4e trim. 1978Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Batman Family (1°) #20 Batgirl and Robin - Peril of the Power Sower10/1978Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / John Celardo
Steel (1°) #5 A Scream in the Night!10/1978Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Detective Comics (1°) #481 Batgirl - A Slow Death In China12/1978Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Bob Smith
Invaders (Marvel - 1°) #35 Havoc On The Home Front!12/1978Roy Thomas / Alan Kupperberg, Don Heck / Rick Hoberg
Detective Comics (1°) #482 Batgirl - A Quick Death In China02/1979Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Adventure Comics (1°) #462 Flash - The She-Demon of the Astral Plane!03/1979Cary Bates / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Adventure Comics (1°) #462 Aquaman - Executive Action!03/1979Paul Kupperberg / Don Heck / Bob Smith
Invaders (Marvel - 1°) #38 U-Man Comes To Town!03/1979Roy Thomas / Alan Kupperberg, Don Heck / Chic Stone
Superman Family #194 Supergirl - Nightmare in New Athens03/1979Scott Edelman / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Adventure Comics (1°) #463 Aquaman - Climax05/1979Paul Kupperberg / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Adventure Comics (1°) #463 Flash - Urtumi the Image Eater05/1979Cary Bates / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Superman Family #195 Supergirl - The Screamin' Demon05/1979Jack C. Harris / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Weird War Tales (1°) #75 Fire of the Gods!05/1979Paul Kupperberg / Don Heck / John Celardo
Adventure Comics (1°) #464 Flash - The Day Up Was Down07/1979Cary Bates / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Superman Family #196 Supergirl - Displaced Double Identity07/1979Jack C. Harris / Don Heck / Bob Smith
Adventure Comics (1°) #465 Flash - Who Is Invading Central City!09/1979Cary Bates / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Detective Comics (1°) #485 Batgirl - The Case of the Untouchable Crook09/1979Jack C. Harris / Don Heck / John Celardo
Green Lantern (2°) #120 Green Lantern & Green Arrow - Double Danger, Certain Death!09/1979Dennis O'Neil (as Denny O'Neil) / Don Heck / John Celardo
Superman Family #197 Supergirl - The Man with the Eternity Hands!09/1979Jack C. Harris / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Superman Family #197 Jimmy Olsen - The Ghost Writer Riddle!09/1979Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Detective Comics (1°) #486 Batgirl - Crime Calls Killer Moth!10/1979Jack C. Harris / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Green Lantern (2°) #121 Green Lantern & Green Arrow - The Steel Vengeance!10/1979Dennis O'Neil (as Denny O'Neil) / Don Heck / Frank McLaughlin
Green Lantern (2°) #122 Green Lantern & Green Arrow - With these Rings...11/1979Dennis O'Neil (as Denny O'Neil) / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Superman Family #198 Supergirl - The Cosmic Abduction!11/1979Jack C. Harris / Don Heck / Joe Giella
Weird War Tales (1°) #81 Frieze Frama11/1979Paul Kupperberg / Don Heck / Don Heck
Flash (1°) #280 The Wrong Man12/1979Cary Bates / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Flash (1°) #281 Deadly Games!01/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Flash (1°) #282 Mishmash!!02/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Flash (1°) #283 Flashback03/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Ghosts #86 The Ghostly Garden03/1980George Kashdan / Don Heck / Dan Adkins
Detective Comics (1°) #489 Robin & Batgirl - The Mind Warp Mystery04/1980Jack C. Harris / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Flash (1°) #284 Run Flash...Run For Your Life04/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Flash (1°) #285 If, at First, You Don't Succeed...!05/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Flash (1°) #286 The Color Schemes of the Rainbow Raider06/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Flash (1°) #287 Dr. Alchemy and Mr. Desmond07/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Flash (1°) #288 The Day It Rained Flash08/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Unexpected #201 Do Unto Others!08/1980Mary Skrenes, Guy Lillian / Don Heck / VInce Colletta
Flash (1°) #289 The Good... the Bad... and the Unexpected!09/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Flash (1°) #290 Will You Believe Me When I'm Dead?10/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Frank Chiaramonte
Flash (1°) #291 The Sabretooth is a Very Deadly Beast!11/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Don Heck
Flash (1°) #292 Mirror, Mirror, Off the Wall...12/1980Cary Bates / Don Heck / Don Heck
Flash (1°) #293 The Pied Piper's Paradox Peril!01/1981Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Don Heck
Flash (1°) #294 Fiend the World Forgot02/1981Cary Bates / Don Heck / Don Heck
Justice League of America (1°) #187 Proteus Says : "All Things Must Change!"02/1981Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Frank McLaughlin
Action Comics (1°) #517 Aquaman - Brother Rat03/1981J. M. DeMatteis / Don Heck / Don Heck
Flash (1°) #295 In Grodd We Trust!03/1981Cary Bates / Don Heck / Don Heck
Justice League of America (1°) #188 The Metamorph War03/1981Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Frank McLaughlin
Action Comics (1°) #518 Aquaman - Beyond the Poseidon Adventure04/1981J. M. DeMatteis / Don Heck / Don Heck
Action Comics (1°) #519 Aquaman - Family Plot05/1981J. M. DeMatteis / Don Heck / Don Heck
Action Comics (1°) #520 Aquaman - The End06/1981J. M. DeMatteis, Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Don Heck
Adventure Comics (1°) #482 Dial "H" For Hero - Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth06/1981Marv Wolfman / Don Heck / Don Heck
Adventure Comics (1°) #483 Dial "H" For Hero - Games Villains Play07/1981Marv Wolfman / Don Heck / Don Heck
Adventure Comics (1°) #484 Dial "H" For Hero - Blood Money08/1981Marv Wolfman / Don Heck / Dennis Jensen
Adventure Comics (1°) #486 Dial "H" For Hero - Hell On Earth10/1981Marv Wolfman / Don Heck / Don Heck
DC Comics Presents #38 Superman & Flash - Stop the World... I Want to Go Home!10/1981Martin Pasko / Don Heck / Don Heck
Adventure Comics (1°) #487 Dial "H" For Hero - To Charm a Serpent11/1981George Kashdan / Don Heck / Don Heck
Justice League of America (1°) #198 Once Upon a Time, in the Wild, Wild, West...01/1982Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Brett Breeding
Wonder Woman (1°) #287 Eye of the Beholder!01/1982Marv Wolfman / Don Heck / Romeo Tanghal
Justice League of America (1°) #199 Grand Canyon Showdown02/1982Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Brett Breeding
World's Finest (1°) #277 Superman and Batman - Beasts of Plague!03/1982Cary Burkett / Don Heck / Romeo Tanghal
All-Star Squadron #8 Afternoon of the Assassins!04/1982Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway / Adrian Gonzales, Don Heck / Jerry Ordway
Justice League of America (1°) #201 A Hero for All Seasons04/1982Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Bob Smith
All-Star Squadron #9 Should Old Acquaintance Be Destroyed...05/1982Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway / Adrian Gonzales, Don Heck / Jerry Ordway
Justice League of America (1°) #202 Star Fall05/1982Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Brett Breeding
Justice League of America (1°) #203 Shuffle and Deal... with Death!06/1982Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Romeo Tanghal
Justice League of America (1°) #204 The Cut of the Cards!07/1982Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Romeo Tanghal
Justice League of America (1°) #205 The Final Hand!08/1982Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Romeo Tanghal
Justice League of America (1°) #207 Crisis on Earth-Prime Book One : Crisis Times Three!10/1982Gerry Conway, Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Romeo Tanghal
Justice League of America (1°) #208 Crisis on Earth-Prime Book Three : The Bomb-Blast Heard 'Round the World!11/1982Gerry Conway, Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Sal Trapani
Justice League of America (1°) #209 Crisis on Earth-Prime Book Five : Let Old Acquaintances Be Forgot...12/1982Gerry Conway, Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #301 Huntress - A Little Learning...03/1983Joey Cavalieri / Don Heck / Larry Mahlstedt
Justice League of America (1°) #213 Into the Microcosmos!04/1983Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Romeo Tanghal
Justice League of America (1°) #214 Into the Microcosmos Part Two : The Siren Sisterhood!05/1983Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Romeo Tanghal
Justice League of America (1°) #215 Into the Microcosmos Part Three : The Bigger They Are...06/1983Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Romeo Tanghal
Justice League of America (1°) #216 Into the Microcosmos Conclusion : The Choice07/1983Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Pablo Marcos
Wonder Woman (1°) #306 Secrets and Suspicions!08/1983Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #307 Vulcan's Daggers!09/1983Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Sal Trapani
Wonder Woman (1°) #308 Heritage10/1983Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #309 The Black Canary Is Dead!11/1983Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #311 Gremlins!01/1984Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #312 Escape!02/1984Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #313 The Animal Within!03/1984Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #314 The Nature of the Beast!04/1984Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #315 The Face in the Mirror05/1984Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #316 The Chaos Game!06/1984Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #317 Amazons!07/1984Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Rick Magyar
Wonder Woman (1°) #319 Diana Prince : Traitor!09/1984Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Rick Magyar
Wonder Woman (1°) #320 Launch on Warning!10/1984Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Rick Magyar
Wonder Woman (1°) #321 ...Doctor Cyber's Revenge!11/1984Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Rick Magyar
Wonder Woman (1°) #322 Bid Time Return!12/1984Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Rick Magyar
Green Lantern (2°) #185 Tales of the Green Lantern Corps - Burdens02/1985Kurt Busiek / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #323 Night Of Many Wonders02/1985Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #324 The Cassandra Complex04/1985Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #325 The Gremlin From the Kremlin!05/1985Dan Mishkin / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #326 Tropidor Heat07/1985Mindy Newell / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #327 Special Crisis Crossover - A World in Chaos!09/1985Mindy Newell / Don Heck / Don Heck
Wonder Woman (1°) #328 Special Crisis Crossover - To Everything a Season...12/1985Mindy Newell / Don Heck, Pablo Marcos / Don Heck, Pablo Marcos
Wonder Woman (1°) #329 Special Crisis Crossover - Of Gods and Men02/1986Gerry Conway / Don Heck / Don Heck
DC Comics Presents #94 Superman, Harbinger, Lady Quark & Pariah - The Challenge of the Volt Lord06/1986Barbara Randall, Bob Greenberger / Tom Mandrake / Don Heck
DC Challenge #9 All This and World War, Too!07/1986Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Don Heck
Hawkman (2°) #1 Secrets...08/1986Tony Isabella / Richard Howell / Don Heck
Hawkman (2°) #2 Shadows...09/1986Tony Isabella / Richard Howell / Don Heck
Adventures of the Outsiders #38 Welcome To L.A.!10/1986Mike W. Barr / Don Heck / Don Heck
Hawkman (2°) #3 Secrets, Shadows and Sinners!10/1986Tony Isabella / Richard Howell / Don Heck
Hawkman (2°) #4 For the Benefit of Mister Kite11/1986Tony Isabella / Richard Howell / Don Heck
Hawkman (2°) #5 The Lionmane Diversion!12/1986Tony Isabella / Richard Howell / Don Heck
All-Star Squadron #65 The Origin of Johnny Quick01/1987Roy Thomas / Don Heck / Tony DeZuniga
Hawkman (2°) #6 A Lion in the Streets01/1987Tony Isabella / Richard Howell / Don Heck
Centurions #1 Time Bomb06/1987Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Al Vey
Centurions #2 Seeing Is Not Believing07/1987Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Al Vey
Centurions #3 Sound-Off08/1987Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Al Vey
Batman (1°) #411 Second Chance09/1987Max Allan Collins / Dave Cockrum / Don Heck
Centurions #4 Double Cross09/1987Bob Rozakis / Don Heck / Al Vey
Batman (1°) #412 The Sound of Silence10/1987Max Allan Collins / Dave Cockrum / Don Heck
Superman (One-Shots) #17 Superman IV Movie Special : The Quest for Peace10/1987Bob Rozakis / Curt Swan, Don Heck / Frank McLaughlin, Al Vey, John Beatty, Dick Giordano
Hawkman (2°) #17 Day of Wrath12/1987Dan Mishkin / Ed Hannigan / Don Heck
Teen Titans Spotlight #17 Magenta - Frances Kane Isn't Herself Today12/1987Tony Isabella / Don Heck / Al Vey, Pablo Marcos
Blue Beetle (DC 1°) #23 Don't Get Mad, Get Even!04/1988Len Wein / Don Heck / Dan Bulanadi
Spiral Zone #3 The Flight of the Albatross04/1988Michael Fleisher / Carmine Infantino, Don Heck / Dick Giordano
Blue Beetle (DC 1°) #24 If, at First, You Don't Succeed...!05/1988Len Wein / Don Heck / Dan Bulanadi
Spiral Zone #4 The Triumph of Overlord05/1988Michael Fleisher / Carmine Infantino, Don Heck / Dick Giordano
Checkmate (1°) #4 Moves07/1988Paul Kupperberg / Don Heck / Al Vey
Psi-Force #22 Changes08/1988Howard Mackie / Don Heck / Don Heck
Thor (1°) #396 Into the Realm of Death...!10/1988Tom DeFalco / Ron Frenz / Don Heck
Thor (1°) #397 When the Gods Make War11/1988Tom DeFalco / Ron Frenz / Brett Breeding, Don Heck
Secret Origins (1°) #33 Mr. Miracle and Oberon - Escapism12/1988Mike Carlin / Don Heck / Klaus Janson, Arthur Adams (as Art Adams)
Thor (1°) #398 The Prisoners of the Black Pyramid!12/1988Tom DeFalco / Ron Frenz / Don Heck
Thor (1°) #14 (A) Atlantis Attacks Chapter 13 : Set Ascending1989Roy Thomas / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Marvel Comics Presents (1°) #12 Hercules - Noble Fathers Have Noble Children02/1989C. J. Henderson (as Chris J. Henderson) / Don Heck / Randy Emberlin
Thor (1°) #400 When Warriors Clasp!02/1989Tom DeFalco, Ron Frenz / Gary Hartle / Don Heck
Avengers (1°) #301 Super Nova Unbound!03/1989Ralph Macchio / Bob Hall / Don Heck
Solo Avengers #17 Hawkeye - Even an Octopus Needs Arms!04/1989Tom DeFalco / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Solo Avengers #18 Hawkeye - When You Wish Upon A Star!05/1989Howard Mackie / Ron Wilson / Don Heck
Solo Avengers #19 Hawkeye - Desert Doom06/1989Howard Mackie / Ron Wilson / Don Heck
Solo Avengers #20 Hawkeye - Veg Out07/1989Howard Mackie / Ron Wilson / Don Heck
Avengers Spotlight #21 Hawkeye - I've Been in the Desert With an Orb With No Shame08/1989Howard Mackie / Al Milgrom / Tom Morgan, Don Heck, Diverse Hands (as Helpers)
Avengers Spotlight #22 Hawkeye - Grimm and Bear It09/1989Howard Mackie / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Avengers Spotlight #22 Swordsman - Once There Was a Swordsman...!09/1989Lou Mougin / Don Heck / Don Heck, José Marzan Jr.
Avengers Spotlight #23 Hawkeye - Tooth & Nail and Hammer and Bullet and Chainsaw--!!10/1989Howard Mackie / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Avengers Spotlight #24 Hawkeye - A Show of Hands11/1989Howard Mackie / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Marvel Comics Presents (1°) #32 Sunfire - The Dreaded Deadline Doom11/1989Scott Lobdell / Don Heck / Dave Cockrum
Avengers Spotlight #27 Hawkeye - Acts Of Vengeance! : Hurting Inside12/1989Howard Mackie / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Avengers Spotlight #28 Hawkeye - Acts Of Vengeance! : Denver Doubles01/1990Howard Mackie / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Marvel Comics Presents (1°) #40 Overmind - ...Anything01/1990Scott Lobdell / Don Heck / Jeff Albrecht
Avengers Spotlight #30 Hawkeye - Bang03/1990Steve Gerber / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Avengers Spotlight #31 Hawkeye - Hit and Run04/1990Steve Gerber / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Adventures of Ford Fairlane #1 Stayin' Alive!05/1990Gerard Jones / Russell Braun, Jose Delbo / Don Heck
Marvel Comics Presents (1°) #49 Gladiator - The Unbeatable Foe05/1990Len Kaminski / Don Heck / Vince Mielcarek
Adventures of Ford Fairlane #2 I Write the Songs06/1990Gerard Jones / Russell Braun, Jose Delbo / Don Heck
Avengers Spotlight #33 Hawkeye - Circle-T Killings Continue06/1990Steve Gerber / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Marvel Comics Presents (1°) #51 Iron Man - The Other Way Out06/1990Steve Saffel / Mark D. Bright (as Mark Bright) / Don Heck
Marvel Comics Presents (1°) #51 Le Peregrine - The Strait Approach!06/1990Fabian Nicieza / Don Heck / Randy Emberlin
Adventures of Ford Fairlane #3 Got a Right to Sing the Blues07/1990Gerard Jones / Russell Braun, Carmine Infantino / Don Heck, Frank Springer
Avengers Spotlight #34 Hawkeye - Ashes07/1990Steve Gerber / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Adventures of Ford Fairlane #4 While My Guitar Gently Warps08/1990Gerard Jones / Russell Braun, Carmine Infantino / Don Heck, Frank Springer
Avengers Spotlight #36 Hawkeye - Bitter Pill09/1990Steve Gerber / Al Milgrom / Don Heck
Marvel Comics Presents (1°) #63 Thor - Norse Blood11/1990Len Kaminski / Don Heck / Christopher Ivy
Captain America (1°) #10 (A) Bushmaster - Brothers1991Mark Gruenwald / Don Heck / Don Heck
Iron Man (1°) #12 (A) Tony Stark, The Invincible Iron-Man!1991Len Kaminski / Don Heck / Don Heck
Iron Man (1°) #12 (A) The Trap1991Dwight Jon Zimmerman / John Stanisci / Don Heck
Marvel Fanfare (1°) #56 Toys Night Out!04/1991Bill Mantlo / Don Heck / Don Heck
Spelljammer #11 Serious Trouble07/1991Barbara Kesel, Maddie Blaustein (as Adam Blaustein) / Joe Quesada, Don Heck / Don Heck
Justice League Quarterly #7 General Glory - If This Be Destiny...?3e trim. 1992Paul Kupperberg / Don Heck / Mike DeCarlo
Moon Knight (3°) #2 (OS) Moon Knight Cover Gallery10/1992 / Ty Templeton, Don Heck / Ty Templeton, Don Heck
Marvel Super Heroes (2°) #13 <Pin-Up : Iron Man>04/1993NA / Don Heck / Don Heck
Nightstalkers #9 Crossing The Rubicon07/1993Dan Chichester / Mark Pacella / Don Heck
Marvel Super Heroes (2°) #15 Thor - The Theft Of Thor's Hammer !10/1993Bill Mantlo / Don Heck / Don Heck
Who's Who in the DC Universe #1 Aegeus03/2005Len Wein, Marv Wolfman / Don Heck / Don Heck
Marvel Romance Redux: Guys & Dolls #1 Love Ain't Cheap... Especially at These Prices! <R Love Romances #104 re-scripted>05/2006John Lustig / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Marvel Romance Redux: Restraining Orders Are For Other Girls #1 My Magical Centaur! <R Teen-Age Romance #77 re-scripted>06/2006Kyle Baker / Don Heck / Vince Colletta
Avengers (4°) #6 Avengers Assemble The Oral History of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes Chapter 9 <text article>12/2010Brian Michael Bendis / Jack Kirby, Don Heck / Frank Giacoia

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