Michael Thibodeaux - Comics VF
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Michael Thibodeaux

Bibliographie comics partielle

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Afficher :
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    dessinateur (3)
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Série et histoire  Date  Scénariste(s) / Dessinateur(s) / Encreur(s)
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #1 (S) The Space Musketeers10/1983Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #1 (S) Asterider!10/1983Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #1 (S) Special Effects10/1983Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #1 (S) Female Infantry10/1983Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #13 Gangs of Space01/1984Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #12 Growing up with the Lost Ranger10/1983Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #11 Meet Big Ugly06/1983Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #10 The Voice!!04/1983Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #9 Martius Klavus - The Unseen World02/1983Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #9 God's Many Mansions02/1983Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #8 Zap-Out12/1982Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #8 Martius Klavus - The Roman Syndrome12/1982Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #7 Ranger Recruit--Martius Klavus!10/1982Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #7 Wonder Warriors!10/1982Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #6 Victory Is Sacrifice09/1982Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #6 Goozlebobber09/1982Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #5 Our Backs to the Wall07/1982Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #5 Goozlebobboer, King iof the Unwanted07/1982Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #4 The Fighting Airborne05/1982Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #4 The Goozlebobber05/1982Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers #3 Encounters of a Savage Kind03/1982Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Mike Thibodeaux

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